Reaching, 2018

A site-specific work for little... No BIG, a gallery dedicated to children. It is a work about asylum seekers, people with depression and ‘the struggle within’. Frequently, people who are struggling are talked about in numbers and statistics. It is hard to connect to the individuals and their stories. That is why a single hand is used to represent the person. However, the choice of materials and play with light represent a different tone- one of hopes and aspirations, memories and dreams, all the things that give life meaning. Ultimately, the work is also about empathy.

Reaching, 2018little... No BIGFootscray, Victoria, AustraliaInstallation view

Reaching, 2018

little... No BIG

Footscray, Victoria, Australia

Installation view

Reaching, 2018little... No BIG, FootscrayDetail view

Reaching, 2018

little... No BIG, Footscray

Detail view